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Scientific reference

Aug 23 2021

Scientific reference

As we already know, aquatic therapy uses water-based exercises to help improve an individual’s physical functions and overall wellbeing. Medical professionals have widely recognized this therapy method as a valuable treatment option for children and adults with cerebral palsy. The buoyancy of water makes it easier for cerebral palsy patients to move more effectively and safely. When done under the supervision and guidance of a certified therapist, water therapy can be helpful in improving the physical and mental health of cerebral palsy patients.


Aquatic therapy specialists typically have some primary goals when working with cerebral palsy patients:


·      Reduces stress & discomfort,

·      Prevents injuries,

·      Improve muscle tone, control & flexibility

·      Improve cardiovascular function,

·      Improve confidence.


Scientific studies also show that: the aquatic exercises produce a higher improvement in quality-of-life scores than the land-based exercises. Post-treatment ultrasonographic assessment of spastic gastrocnemius muscle showed a significant improvement in the compressibility ratio in the aquatic exercise group.


The modified Ashworth Scale score of spastic gastrocnemius muscle in patients with CP showed a negative and weak-to-moderate correlation with the compressibility ratio based on the ultrasonographic evaluation.


So, we can conclude that the aquatic exercises are as effective as land-based exercises for spasticity management and motor function improvement in children with CP.


Aquatic exercise can result in a higher level of improvement in quality-of-life scores than the land- based exercises. Ultrasonographic muscle compressibility ratio may be used to evaluate muscle elasticity in children with CP.



About Doctor Boris Ginzburg

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